Rome Declaration calls for action for children of Ukraine
On Friday 27 May 2022 a committed group of children’s palliative care practitioners from around the world held a special meeting, organised by PallCHASE, as part of the 5th Maruzza International Paediatric Palliative Care Congress with the purpose of learning more about the children’s pallaitive care needs of colleagues in Ukraine and finding ways to help and support them.
At this meeting, four paediatric palliative care clinicians working in Ukraine and a paediatrician from St Jude who has been working with SAFERUkraine provided insight into the difficulties they were experiencing. They spoke of how the war, started by the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Thursday 24 February 2022, had impacted on children with palliative care needs, their families and healthcare providers.
Moved and appalled by what they’d heard, those present at this meeting were keen to show their support for their colleagues who, despite the mounting challenges they faced, were continuing to provide what care they could for these children and families. A first draft of the declaration found below was read out and circulated to individuals for comment and editing and later compiled into a final version.
The Rome Declaration is a Call to Action both in the present and into the future. It calls for long-term commitment beyond words.
Follow the link below to read more, including the final version of The Rome Declaration of Palliative Care for Children in Ukraine. Should you wish to show your support for our colleagues in Ukraine, please sign this declaration, either as an individual, or as a representative of your institution or organization.